Tuesday, 4 July 2017


An introduction to Sociolinguistics


Ronald Wardhaugh 

This is the summary of what I have learned in this semester discussing about sociolinguistics. I used a book from Ronald Wardhaugh “An Introduction of Sociolinguistics” as the title. The book mention for chapters such as the first chapter talks about language and communities, the second one is discussing about inherent variety, the third one is about words and work, and the last one is understanding and interverning.
Chapter 1
Language and Communities
Languages, Dialects, and  Varieties
Language is a tool to communicate within sounds code and also it has dialect which is we do not use one language but every country has their own language, let we say that dialect is a type of language for instance; Chinese come to Japanese. Japanese feel like it is strength because Chinese speaks differently with them that might be Japanese so hardly to hear another dialect except their language or dialect applied. And then language has varieties, let’s take an example from Hindi-Urdu. Hindi and Urdu are the same language, but there is a differences in the way of written. Hindi is written from the left to the right in the Devanagari script, and then Urdu is written from the right to the left in the Arabic-Persian script. From that types of written this is called as varieties.
Styles are types of language or it can be some variation in a speech. Registers are a sum of vocabulary that we choose based on the circumstances, such as when formal or non-formal situation we should adapt. The registers help us to express our identity in a specific time, place, and how you seek to express yourself to others.

1.1    languages , dialects , varieties

language and dialect

example in Indonesian language                                               English

1.      dialek – Regional (pengen wah saya makan)                I want

   Sosial ( saya ingin )

2.      style – Regional (diem sih lagi “paleng” gua”             be quite, Iam confused

                   social (diam, saya lagi pusing”

3.      idiolect – Regional (“karuan” gua makan       better im eating than sleeping

dari pada tidur .

social ( lebih baik saya makan daripada tidur)

-          Regional  ( Gua sibuk “weh” gak       im busy cannot join

bisa ikut “nongki”)

social ( saya sibuk tidak bisa ikut kumpul)

-          Regional (jangan gitu

“geh” itu gak bagus)                              don’t be like that, its not good

Social (jangan seperti itu, itu tidak baik).

Pidgin and Creoles
Pidgin is an original language with no native speaker. Pidgin develops between people that have no the same language. Take an example in Tanah Lot area in Indonesia the seller communicate with the foreign people using English pidgin. English is used as the basic and the pronunciation is reflected to Indonesian such as peri cip (very cheap), paip (five), masas (massage), tosen (thousand) and so on. Creole is a pidgin with native speaker. Creole will exist when pidgin becomes mother tongue. Pidgin itself is a lingua franca because of the same social function. Lingua franca is when people speak different language and he or she is forced to do contact and should find another way to communicate. Take an example Indonesian and Korean, they both have to do contact but they cannot use their own language, so they use English as a universal language to understand each other.

    known as bridge language, common language, trade language or vehicular language, is a language or dialects systematically (as opposed to occasionally, or casually) used to make communication possible between people who do not share a native language or dialect, particularly when it is a third language that is distinct from both native language.

Pidgin : there is no native speaker

Creoles : there is native speaker

Diglossia is two varieties of language in a speech community. One of them as high variety (H) and another one as low variety (L). An example from Indonesia, Indonesian standard language and Betawi dialect. Indonesian is used on TV, magazine, newspaper and so on as (H) and Betawi is used to talk each other to friends as (L). Every language has (H) and (L), (H) as the formal one that usually used by official or professional. (L) as informal one such as for talking to friends, slang words and the others.
Another example in Indonesia also such as java language as a local language, in java language there is ngoko language as the lowest level here ngoko as (L) and then the highest level of that language is karma inggil as (H).
Bilingualism and multilingualism, bilingualism is the ability to use not only one language but two languages. If we talk about this there is a monolingualism, the ability to use one language only. And multilingualism is the ability to use many languages. Indonesian born in multilingual community, Indonesian can speak at least two languages that is Indonesian and their own local language, but in this era the youth at least master three languages such as  local language, Indonesian, and English.
Code switching, switches from one code to the other or mix it to create new.


 is a situation in which two dialects or languages are used by a single language community.

Bilingualism : having some ability to use two or more languages .

    Example : Malaysia , English and malay

Multilingualism : is the use of two or more languages , either by an individual speaker or by a community of speakers.

Monolingualism : the person who know/ can just one language .  (the old of Javanese people)

Speech Comunities :

is a group of people who share a set of linguistic norms and expectations with regard to how their language should be used.

Language variation :

Variation  is a characteristic of language: there is more than one way of saying the same thing.

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