Friday, 28 July 2017

Sociolinguitic Examination

Student Number     : 14611001
Name                    : Melasari

Instruction : answer all questions given below in a not separate paper.

1.      What are the differences mentioned in regional dialects?
2.      How are social dialect defined?
3.      How have pidgins and creoles been viewed?
4.      It is possible to refer to a language or a variety of a language as a code. Why is the term useful?
5.       An individual also has a speech repertoire, that is he or she controls a number of varieties of a language or of two or more languages. Quite often, many individuals will have virtually identical repertoires. In this case how is speech repertoire defined based on platt and platt (1975,p. 35) ?
6.       Many languages have a distinction corresponding to the tu-vous (T/V) distinction in French, where grammatically theren is a singular you tu (T) and a plural you ‘ vous (V) but usage requires that you use vous with individuals on certain occasions. How are they related with solidarity and politeness?
7.       For convenience, Hymes uses the world SPEAKING as an acronym for the various factors he deems to be relevant. What are they?
8.       According to Searle (1969, pp. 23-4), we perform different kinds of acts when we speak . the utterances we use are locutions. Most locutions express some intent that a speaker has. They are illocutionary acts and have an illocutionary force. Illocutions also often cause listeners to do things. To that extent they are perlocutions, explain each in brief?!
9.       Grice (1975,p . 45) maintains that the overriding principle in conversation is one he calls the cooperative principle!
10.   What are the five categories of performative divided by Austin? Give explanation of each category!

1.       Regional  dialects are language use in geographical area, every region has different dialects, for example :  in English has Philadelphia English , Britain English, And Liverpool English . regional dialects used within a group in a region.
2.       Social dialect are defined based on social level of education, class, in communicating to the same level, the dialect will be different within social group.
3.       Pidgin is a language used by the people who have no language in common, a pidgin becomes  native language called creole.
4.       Code is convert , the words of a message into a particular code in order to convey a secret meaning.
5.       Speech repertoires is a person ability to control a number of variety of language . speech repertoires identity : person has its own characteristics and it can be generalized it wont be easy because every individual has different repertoires.
6.       Vous refers to polite usage of language. Sometimes, vous is used to speak to strangers. Vous related to politeness such as in formal occasion. Tu refers  to solidarity, tu usually used to speak with children , and  people in the same year.
7.       S : setting or Scene , the speaker takes place
P : participant, speaker, listener, adresse- addresser, send-receiver
E : ends, personal goals
A : act sequence, choosing word to be used, how they used
K : Key
I : instrumentalities, dialect , style, register
N : norms, social, formal
G : genre, poems and the other example usage
8.       Locutioanary is all the utterances , illocutionary Is asking someone to do something , for example : its very bad moment . the effect of illocutionary is perlocutionarry force , for example : the example above forces someone to do something . like probably open the door or turn on thye lamp.
9.       Grice cooperative principle :
Quantity : as informative as possible
Quality : do not say what you believe to be false
Relation : be relevant
Manner :avoid ambiguity
10.   Performative categories by Austin :
a.       Exercitives : existing power
Example : having someone because she / he has power to decide
b.      Expositives : having to do with utterance
Example : I argue, I reply
c.       Commisive : promising or undertaking something to do
d.      Behabitives :expressing argument , for example expressing congratulating.
e.      Verdictives : prediction assumption,
Example : someone is predict to get a score .

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